Cases + Rulings Posts
Not so Fast Kentucky
Nov 2, 2009
Not so Fast Kentucky
When the Commonwealth of Kentucky petitioned the Franklin Circuit County Court to seize, Pocket Kings Limited, asked a U.K Chancery Court to injoin FTP’s registrar, Safenames Limited, from complying with the Kentucky trial court order. In an order dated October 22, 2009, the Chancery Court granted Pocket King’s request and declared that Safenames shall not comply…
Kentucky Supreme Court Considers Poker
Nov 2, 2009
Kentucky Supreme Court Considers Poker
On October 22, 2009, the Supreme Court of Kentucky heard oral arguments in the above referenced case. The case originated when the Commonwealth of Kentucky filed civil seizure and forfeiture proceedings against 141 domain names – virtually all of which offered or involved internet gaming. The Commonwealth contended that domain names constitute gambling devices under…