Amazon’s driver cameras protected under state law, but privacy concerns remain

Mar 16, 2021

Amazon’s driver cameras protected under state law, but privacy concerns remain

Despite the concerns raised by federal lawmakers, Amazon is in the clear with its use of the Driveri cameras due to a fairly extensive body of state law that says employers can generally monitor their workers, particularly if they give them notice and as long as the monitoring is not in a private space like a locker room or a bathroom, said Michelle Cohen, chair of the data privacy practice at the law firm Ifrah Law.

“For decades, employees have understood, usually from language in a handbook, or some sort of form they signed upon hire, that they may be subject to monitoring at the workplace, particularly those in secure workplaces but even outside of secure workplaces,” Cohen said.

Cohen also noted that citizens are fairly aware that cameras are recording footage while they are out in public.

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