Jeff Ifrah Comments on Manafort Sentencing for Bloomberg
Aug 22, 2018
Jeff Ifrah Comments on Manafort Sentencing for Bloomberg
Jeff Ifrah was quoted in Bloomberg News’ article on the recent jury verdict in the trial of Paul Manafort, commenting on the length of a possible jail sentence for the former presidential campaign manager found guilty on eight counts of bank fraud and tax crimes.
“He’s going to have to rely upon the judge’s mercy,” said (Mr. Ifrah)…
“A case of fraud this size is not your everyday garden vegetable in Virginia…I do think that 10 years is on the table here.”
A leading national authority in federal sentencing laws, Jeff Ifrah is co-author of Federal Sentencing for Business Crimes, the only comprehensive treatise on federal sentencing in the context of business and white-collar crimes.
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