News Quotes Ifrah Law Amicus Curiae Brief in Rubashkin Case.

May 10, 2012 Quotes Ifrah Law Amicus Curiae Brief in Rubashkin Case.

Jeff Ifrah to Chair eGaming Review Panel at Wembley Stadium.

Firm News
May 2, 2012

Jeff Ifrah to Chair eGaming Review Panel at Wembley Stadium.

Jeff Ifrah Quoted on Criminal Copyright Infringement Case.

Apr 24, 2012

Jeff Ifrah Quoted on Criminal Copyright Infringement Case.

Houston Chronicle Quotes Ifrah Law on Supreme Court Rejection of Jeff Skilling Appeal.

Apr 17, 2012

Houston Chronicle Quotes Ifrah Law on Supreme Court Rejection of Jeff Skilling Appeal.

Jeff Ifrah Interviewed by White Collar Crime Professors Blog.

Apr 16, 2012

Jeff Ifrah Interviewed by White Collar Crime Professors Blog.

Ifrah Quoted on Dismissal of Fraud Indictment Against Former NJ Assemblyman Manzo.

Apr 2, 2012

Ifrah Quoted on Dismissal of Fraud Indictment Against Former NJ Assemblyman Manzo.